Atlas. La imagen-historia / Image-history
The first Spanish-language publication of Atlas Mnemosyne (Akal, 2010), a decisive work in art historiography and the source of important trends in methodology, from Panofsky's iconology to the modern discipline of Visual Studies, serve as the framework for this debate on its author, Aby Warburg (1866-1929).
This activity is one the public programmes organised in relation to the exhibition Atlas (Museo Reina Sofía, November 2010 – March 2011). The idea behind such programmes is to generate debate about the premises of the project.
Fernando Checa Cremades. Professor of Art History at Universidad Complutense de Madrid and supervisor of the book's Spanish edition.
Felipe Pereda. Professor of Art History at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and editor Aby Warburg. El renacimiento del paganismo: aportaciones a la historia cultural del Renacimiento europeo (Alianza, 2005).