Divisor. A Lygia Pape performance
Participation: send an e-mail to actividadespublicas2@museoreinasofia.es

To mark the occasion of the exhibition Lygia Pape. Espacio imantado, there will be a performance of the artist's piece Divisor, in which audience participation plays a vital role. Divisor is a piece that the artist presented for the first time at the Río de Janeiro Museu de Arte Moderna in 1968. She herself underlined that the participation of spectators is a crucial element of the work, something quite characteristic of the poetics of the Neo-Concrete movement. With Divisor, Pape wanted to create a collective work that could be repeated even when she was not present.
The action consists of an enormous piece of white fabric through which members of the audience poke their heads while their bodies remain enveloped in the fabric. With this piece Pape broke the dividing line between observer and participant. The artist invited the crowd to complete the piece by participating in it, through a proposal that illustrates Lygia Pape's search for ways to appropriate public space and bring about creative transformation in urban life.