Journeys, landscapes, cities…

This gathering of writers and publishers from different geographies and places is an opportunity to look at the forms of minor literature, from spaces such as Quebec, Montreal or Tangiers. Not minor in the pejorative sense that suggests trivial or insignificant, but rather as something which, in its diversity and as a whole, gives shape to difference. Minor is thus presented as a way to perceive the language in the dialect or writing in orality. This event is part of World Book Day and Madrid’s Noche de los libros.
Montreal, Quebec, Tangiers and Madrid, in the manner of North and South poles, are presented as territories harbouring dreams and desires, that invite discovery and self-discovery, that question and crystallise identity.
Sonia García Soubriet, Jesús Egido and Madeleine Monette dialogue about landscapes of seduction and about literature as a universe of noise and silence, urban labyrinths and private refuges.
Sonia García Soubriet is a writer who has published the novels La otra Sonia (1987), Bruna (1987) and El Jardín (Al Bustán)(2007). She also contributes regularly to various literary journals and story collections.
Jesús Egido is the director of the publishing companies Reino de Cordelia and Rey Lear.
Madeleine Monette is an award-winning writer whose books include Le double suspect. She is a member of the Quebec Academy of Letters.