Acting in Shadows
Curatorship: Teatres de la Llum
Education programme developed under the patronage of: Fundación Banco Santander
During the academic year of 2013-14 we are starting up a new activity aimed at upper Primary Education. This new project incorporates a number of elements taken from drama such as gesture, body language, staging and the expressive potential of lighting, in order to use them to achieve educational objectives. This means that the theatrical becomes a method through which the pupils can get involved in the works and create new experiences based on them.
The visit takes in a number of works selected from the Collection 2 dating from the 1960s, a time when artists were aspiring to bring art closer to life itself, which called for involvement and action on the part of the spectator. Works by artists including Yves Klein and Pistoletto provide a starting point for the pupils to go from being observers to active participants: from audience to actors.