The Chair of Situated Thought
De-Constituent: Practices and Imaginaries to Come

The Chair of Situated Thought sets out to articulate different experiences, stances, methods and initiatives of critical thought as it seeks to underscore the singularities of an intellectual and artistic production that converses with social and political circumstances, and which aspires to have an impact on the specific conditions of its environment. The Chair propells spaces of dialogue and transmission, and brings together intellectual practices on different fronts that have been emerging in Latin America, in addition to building specific actions — encounters, seminars, publications, archives — with thinkers, artists and activists from the region who, from their experiences, strengthen forms of aesthetic and political imagination.
In a shared project — with an itinerant ambition — between Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Campus Cuajimalpa, and Museo Reina Sofía, this new edition, held in Santiago de Chile, focuses on the tension between social control and revolts or social flare-ups inside the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and on constituent exercises of political imagination. The programme places the situation extending across Chile since 2019 in dialogue, and confrontation, with other Latin American contexts, and looks to bring to light imposed hegemonies of social control in areas of life not considered capitalist or neoliberal, but which in truth represent many of these practices. The struggle is against all patriarchies, regardless of their ideology.