Felipe Boso. "Prax – Cáceres + Asins + Molero + Castillejo + Viladot + Boso + Millán = 7 Autores experimentales", 2011
The book edited by Felipe Boso invites reflection on the historical cannons that have formed around experimental poetry in
In 1960s
Few were the artists who decided to walk against the current in this controversial period, to opt for collective work over individual work and make contact with the European and Latin American avant-garde, in search of complicities. Their undertakings represent the first link in the subsequent development of the new artistic practices.
The poet, translator and critic Felipe Boso played an important role in this process. He published - from
Además, aparte de proyectos colectivos, otros autores enfocan su trabajo desde un prisma más personal. Es el caso de Francisco Pino que hace del libro un objeto casi arquitectónico, o de un autor imprescindible para entender la vanguardia poética, Joan Brossa.
During his lifetime, Felipe Boso would publish only “T de trama” and “
Javier Maderuelo
Author, critic and essayist. Member of the Board of Trustees of Museo Reina Sofía
Marisa Giménez Soler
Curator of the exhibition La escritura desbordada: Spanish and Latin American experimental poetry, 1962-1982
Josep Miquel García
Director of Fundació Guillem Viladot “Lo Pardal”
Víctor Infantes
Professor of Spanish Literature at Universidad Complutense de Madrid