Grada Kilomba Opera to a Black Venus. What would the bottom of the ocean tell us tomorrow, if emptied of water today? Devoted to the Portuguese artist Grada Kilomba, this exhibition is the most complete display of her work in Spain Exhibitions
“In the troubled air…” Curated by French thinker Georges Didi-Huberman, the exhibition “In the troubled air…” sets forth a political anthropology of emotion in a poetic tone. Exhibitions
Esperpento Popular Art and Aesthetic Revolution This exhibition explores the concept of “esperpento” (grotesque, deliberate distortion) as a nucleus of aesthetic thought capable of offering a new perspective to understand reality. Exhibitions
Soledad Sevilla Rhythms, Grids, Variables This exhibition chronologically parses Soledad Sevilla’s trajectory by exploring more than a hundred works, stretching from the early part of her career in the University of Madrid’s Computing Centre to her current output. Exhibitions
Eva Lootz Making as if Wondering: So What Is This? With the phrase “Making as if Wondering: So What Is This?”, Eva Lootz (Vienna, 1940) alludes to a particular way of understanding the activity of art; namely, making, allowing a questioning of the world from scratch. Rooted in such an idea, this exhibition sets forth a panoramic journey through five decades of her career. Along with a selection of pieces Lootz recently donated to the Museo Reina Sofía, an ensemble of works is displayed for the first time, or reconstructed specifically for the occasion, with a strong focus on her drawings, which, straddling exploration and text, constitute a kind of parallel writing that has accompanied her research and work, at different points, as a bona fide diary. Exhibitions
James Lee Byars Perfect Is the Question Surveying the multiple allegorical and formal meanings of the matter explored by James Lee Byars (Detroit, Michigan, 1932 - El Cairo, 1997), the show focuses on the main themes crossing his work. Exhibitions
Cards on the Table The memory of Nunca Máis and the stacked political cards Xosé Carlos Hidalgo, German Labrador Méndez and Daniel López Abel reflect in this video on card games as a complex device, with a popular matrix, in which leisure, protest, humor and design intersect. Exhibitions Library
Women Adult Comic Book Writers in Spain Montse Clavé, Isa Feu, Marta Guerrero, Laura Pérez-Vernetti and Marika Vila talk about their beginnings in the genre, influences, ways of doing things during the creative process and the way to address the existing gender gap in comics. Exhibitions Library
Olga de Soto Reconstruction of a Danse Macabre This new project—framed as part of the Museo Reina Sofía’s Fissures programme—revisits and expands upon a research project undertaken by Olga de Soto over more than a decade ago on Der grüne Tisch (The Green Table, 1932). Exhibitions
Antoni Tàpies The Practice of Art To mark the centenary of the birth of Antoni Tàpies (1923–2012), the Museo Reina Sofía and Fundació Antoni Tàpies have organised one of the most complete exhibitions on the artist to date. Exhibitions
Ulla von Brandenburg One-Sequence Spaces Ulla von Brandenburg’s installations give rise to subjective spaces which immerse the spectator in suspended places that straddle reality and fiction. Exhibitions
Ibon Aranberri Partial View Esta exposición de carácter antológico dedicada a Ibon Aranberri (Itziar-Deba, Gipuzkoa, 1969) reúne una selección de obras desde la década de 1990 hasta el presente. Exhibitions
Picasso 1906 The Turning Point Picasso 1906: The Turning Point aims to look at Picasso’s first major contribution to modern art through contemporary eyes. Exhibitions
Ben Shahn On Nonconformity This retrospective centred on Ben Shahn surveys his career via a theme-based presentation of works on different supports and an array of archive documents. Exhibitions
Call It Something Else Something Else Press Inc. (1963-1974) This exhibition focuses on the books, projects, and activities of Dick Higgins’s publishing house Something Else Press. Exhibitions