“In the troubled air…”
An Act of Seeing that Unfolds
Susana and Ricardo Steinbruch Collection
Soledad Sevilla
Rhythms, Grids, Variables
Picasso 1906
The Turning Point
Communicating Vessels. Vol. 1
Collection 1881-2021
Call it Something Else
Something Else Press, Inc. (1963-1974)
Ben Shahn
On Nonconformity
Angela Melitopoulos
Activating Pink Triangle
Didactic materials and pedagogical proposals for a diverse school
Néstor Sanmiguel Diest
The Vicissitudes of the Automaton
Leonor Serrano Rivas
Natural Magic
Margarita Azurdia
Margarita Rita Rica Dinamita
From Posada to Isotype, from Kollwitz to Catlett
Exchanges of Political Print Culture. Germany – Mexico, 1900–1968
Manolo Quejido
Immeasurable Distance
Documentary Genealogies
Photography 1848-1917
Charlotte Johannesson
Take Me To Another World
Seismic Thought
Ida Applebroog
Michael Schmidt
Photographs 1965–2014
Vivian Suter
COMMUNICATING VESSELS. Collection 1881-2021
Moroccan Trilogy
Museo en Red. Interweaving Ecosystems
Pedro G. Romero
Versifying Machines. Indices, Dispositives, Apparatus
Niño de Elche
Invisible Auto Sacramental: A Sonic Representation from Val del Omar
Art in Sound up to 1980
Unfinished Timelines
Sound Experimentation 1980-2020
Anna-Eva Bergman
From North to South, Rhythms
Mondrian and De Stijl
Concha Jerez
Our Memory Is Being Stolen
Ignacio Gómez de Liaño
Forsaking Writing
The Avant-garde Networks of Amauta
Argentina, Mexico, and Peru in the 1920s
H. C. Westermann
Goin’ Home
Rogelio López Cuenca
Keep Reading, Giving Rise
Tetsuya Ishida
Self-portrait of Other
Defiant Muses
Thinking Is Three-Dimensional
Mario Merz
Time Is Mute
The travels of Guernica
Jörg Immendorff
The Task of the Painter
Henrik Olesen
Dora García
Second Time Around which is in fact the first