Home/Collection/Authors Antoni Clavé Barcelona, Spain, 1913 - Saint-Tropez, France, 2005 See all artworks Roi de cartes (King of the Deck of Cards) Antoni Clavé 1958 La carpe (The Carp) Antoni Clavé 1959 Poisson ou carpa (Fish or Carp) Antoni Clavé 1959 La feuille (The Leaf) Antoni Clavé 1960 Roi Pepe Antoni Clavé 1960 / Edition of 1967 Nature morte verte (Green Still Life) Antoni Clavé 1960 Feuille bleue ou Nature morte (Blue Leaf or Still-life) Antoni Clavé 1963 Poisson au fond rouge (Fish with a Red Background) Antoni Clavé 1961 Nature morte (Still Life) Antoni Clavé 1963 Ocre-noir (Ocher-Black) Antoni Clavé 1963 Feuille noire ou Feuille de nuit (Black Leaf or Night Leaf) Antoni Clavé 1963 Noir, gris, violet (Black, Gray, Purple) Antoni Clavé 1964 / Edition of 1965 La feuille grise (The Grey Leaf) Antoni Clavé 1963 L'épée (The Sword) Antoni Clavé 1964 / Edition of 1965 A Domenikos th. (To Domenikos th.) Antoni Clavé 1964 / Edition of 1965 Don Felipe (Mr. Felipe) Antoni Clavé 1964 / Edition of 1965 Cadre bleu (Blue Frame) Antoni Clavé 1964 / Edition of 1965 La main (The Hand) Antoni Clavé 1964 / Edition of 1965 Diptyque (Diptych) Antoni Clavé 1964 / Edition of 1965 Le compte d'o (Bead of Water) Antoni Clavé 1964 / Edition of 1965 Load more