Home/Collection/Authors Joaquín Sunyer Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 1875 - 1956 See all artworks Intérieur du cabaret à Montmartre (Interior of the Montmartre Cabaret) Joaquín Sunyer 1898 Room 201.02 Au café (In the Café) Joaquín Sunyer 1901-1905 (circa) Room 201.02 Promenade sentimentale au Luxembourg (Sentimental Walk Around the Gardens of Luxemburg) Joaquín Sunyer 1900 Room 201.02 El teatro (The Theater) Joaquín Sunyer 1901 Room 201.02 La rue des Abbesses (Abbesses Street) Joaquín Sunyer 1901 Room 201.02 La rue des Abbesses (Abbesses Street) Joaquín Sunyer 1901 Room 201.02 Paisaje del Vallespir (Landscape of Vallespir) Joaquín Sunyer 1912 Rue de Belleville (Belleville Street) Joaquín Sunyer 1905 Room 201.02 Paisaje de Céret (Céret Landscape) Joaquín Sunyer 1912 Cinco muchachas cosiendo (Five Girls Sewing) Joaquín Sunyer 1917 Mujer y niño (Woman and Boy) Joaquín Sunyer 1921 Desnudos femeninos junto a un estanque (Female Nudes Next to a Pond) Joaquín Sunyer 1922 Familia de pescadores (A Family of Fishermen) Joaquín Sunyer 1921 Maternidad con bodegón (Maternity with Still Life) Joaquín Sunyer 1923-1928 (circa) María Dolores Joaquín Sunyer 1925 Retrato de Josep Togores (Portrait of Josep Togores) Joaquín Sunyer 1927 Primavera (Spring) Joaquín Sunyer 1929 Maternidad (Maternity) Joaquín Sunyer 1929 Mujer haciendo ganchillo (Woman Doing Crochet) Joaquín Sunyer 1932 (circa) María Dolores Joaquín Sunyer 1932 Load more