Los programas educativos de accesibilidad se conciben desde la perspectiva del "diseño para todos", favoreciendo un acercamiento inclusivo y plural al Museo. En este sentido, mediante el establecimiento de vínculos estables con comunidades diversas, la institución se enriquece y transforma con la multiplicidad de narrativas que aportan las personas con diversidad física, sensorial y cognitiva.

¿Museums for everyone?, Museo Reina Sofía, 2019
Actividad pasada From February 2021 onwards
Crippled paths. Journeys to Debate Regulations

The term that gives these journeys their name comes from Crip Theory, and thus reappropriates the insult historically attributed to people with functional diversity, as a critique of the normative body that is built, socially and culturally, in categories such as that which distinguishes between the abled and the disabled.

Crippled Paths are brief, independent journeys that can be downloaded and open up walks around the outside of the Museo — its courtyards, corridors, rooms — in audio and a readable text format. The journeys have been conceived for experimentation rooted in functional diversity and with a view to fostering sensations and strangeness that help to establish communication with the audience through access to cultural institutions. The audience can reflect upon their impressions via questionnaires that will be available on the same download page.     

These journeys are framed inside the programme AMuseumForOneAndAll, the primary aim of which is to calibrate, through collaboration, accessibility in the specific context of the Museo.