Governing bodies - Board of Trustees

Chairman of Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

Ernest Urtasun Domènech (Minister of Culture)

Director of the Museo

Manuel Segade

Board of Trustees

Honorary Presidency

Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain


Ángeles González-Sinde Reig


Beatriz Corredor Sierra

Ex Officio Trustees

Jordi Martí Grau (Secretary of State of Culture)
María del Carmen Páez Soria (Under Secretary of Culture)
María José Gualda Romero (State Secretary for Budgets and Expenditure)
Isaac Sastre de Diego (General Director of Fine Arts)
Manuel Segade (Director of the Museo)
Julián González Cid (Deputy Managing Director of the Museum)
Tomasa Hernández Martín (Councillor to the Presidency, Interior and Culture of the Government of Aragón)
Carmen Teresa Olmedo Pedroche (Regional Deputy Minister of Culture and Sports of the Government of Castilla-La Mancha)
Horacio Umpierrez Sánchez (Member of the Government and Regional Deputy Minister of Culture and Cultural Heritage of the Canary Islands)
Pilar Lladó Arburúa (President of the Foundation Amigos del Museo Reina Sofía)

Elective Trustees

Pedro Argüelles Salaverría
Ignacio Garralda Ruiz de Velasco (Fundación Mutua Madrileña)
Juan-Miguel Hernández León
Antonio Huertas Mejías (Fundación Mapfre)
Carlos Lamela de Vargas
Rafael Mateu de Ros
Marta Ortega Pérez (Inditex)
Suhanya Raffel
María Eugenia Rodríguez Palop
Joan Subirats Humet
Ana María Pilar Vallés Blasco

Honorary Trustees

Pilar Citoler Carilla
Guillermo de la Dehesa
Óscar Fanjul
Ricardo Martí-Fluxá
Claude Ruiz Picasso †
Carlos Solchaga Catalán

Standing Commission

Ángeles González-Sinde Reig (President of Board of Trustees)
Beatriz Corredor Sierra (Vice-president of Board of Trustees)
Jordi Martí Grau (Secretary of State of Culture)
María del Carmen Páez Soria (Under Secretary of Culture)
Manuel Segade Lodeiro (Director of the Museo)
Julián González Cid (Deputy Managing Director of the Museo)
Ignacio Garralda Ruiz de Velasco (Mutua Madrileña Foundation)
Rafael Mateu de Ros (Ramón y Cajal Lawyers)
Rocío Ruiz Vara (Secretary of Board of Trustees)

Secretary of Board of Trustees

Rocío Ruiz Vara 
