Hans-Peter Feldmann
Another Book
This artist book by Hans-Peter Feldmann serves as a catalogue of his showcase ‘An art exhibition’. Without any essays written specifically for this publication, this volume opts for the visual overload represented in Feldmann’s work, who grew up during the German post-war period in a world devoid of images, and who now works in diverse formats approximated to reality: object, photography, installation, etc. The textual component is brought in by some lines selected by the artist himself, extracted from interviews, critiques to his work, letters and e-mail messages.
Helena Tatay, Ziba Ardalan de Weck, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Jacob Fabricius, Kasper König, Teresa Valázquez
- Year:
- 2010
- Edition:
- Triliangual
- Language:
- Spanish, English and Swedish
- Type:
- Exhibition Catalogue
- Binding:
- Hardcover
- Dimensions:
- 23 x 29,5 cm
- Pages:
- 0
- 978-3-86560-738-6
- 553-10-001-7
- Edited by:
- Museo Reina Sofía, König Books, Malmö Konstall and Parasol Unit
- Editorial line:
- Exhibitions
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