Eduardo Arroyo
The Moustache of La Gioconda

Across the pages of Los bigotes de la Gioconda (The Moustache of La Gioconda), Eduardo Arroyo employs a reflection on copy, reinterpretation, intervention, reappropriation and other adjoining artistic strategies he groups together under the verb “pastiche” and which, he notes, possessed a new context that could not be dismissed when he started his career. Together with Arroyo’s textual nucleus are “A Prologue of Moustaches”, by Francisco Calvo Serraller, and the text “The Pastiche of Our Day-to-Day”, written by Jorge Edwards.
Francisco Calvo Serraller, Jorge Edwards, Eduardo Arroyo
- Year:
- 2009
- Language:
- English
- Type:
- Book
- Binding:
- Hardcover
- Format:
- Printed
- Dimensions:
- 21 x 26 cm
- Pages:
- 184
- 978-84-96763-19-7
- Edited by:
- Museo Reina Sofía and Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao
- Editorial line:
- Other Publications
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