The travels of Guernica
This publication intertwines a network of relations, chronologies and cases studies around Pablo Picasso’s mural Guernica, one of the best-known and most widely reproduced and studied works in Art History. The Travels of Guernica does not set out a linear reading or take one sole approach to the work. Rather, it brings together multiple gazes and perspectives from different professionals and theorists through an in-depth study of a selection of documents compiled in Rethinking Guernica. Manuel Borja-Villel (director of Museo Reina Sofía) and Rosario Peiró (Head of Collections) have also produced, for the first time, a detailed account on the theoretical-practical and museological framework which, since 2008, the Museo Reina Sofía has been carrying out with respect to Guernica; an open and ever-evolving exercise encompassing other settings, agents and works from the Collection, and the most visible results of which rest in the different locations and contexts of the painting in the rooms of the institution.
Manuel Borja-Villel, Ignacio Echevarría, Francis Frascina, Juan José Gómez Gutiérrez, José-Ramón López García, Rosario Peiró, Rocío Robles Tardío
- Year:
- 2019
- Language:
- English
- Type:
- Book
- Binding:
- Paperback
- Format:
- Printed and PDF
- Dimensions:
- 16,5 x 24 cm
- Pages:
- 300
- 978-84-8026-608-6
- 828-19-036-6
- Edited by:
- Museo Reina Sofía
- Editorial line:
- Collection
- Collection:
- Publicaciones de la Colección