: VAL DEL OMAR overflow

The exhibition that gives place to this catalogue is the first occasion to expose José Val del Omar discourse as a filmmaker, photographer, plastic artist, technician and inventor. This publication also places him in the proper methodological space for his unclassifiable art: his relationship with the French avant-garde, his status as a transgenerational figure (pioneer in the avant-garde and active during the development of video film), his role in the Educational Missions, his own educational project, and his work with collage, are just some of the aspects used to build a legacy in this volume, apparently made out of scraps.
Gonzalo Sáenz de Buruaga, Nicole Brenez, Thomas Beard, Horacio Fernández, Javier Ortiz-Echagüe, Manuel Villegas, Carlos Muguiro, Pedro G. Romero, Manuel Palacio, Javier Codesal, Eugeni Bonet, Francisco Baena, Víctor Erice, Pedro Jiménez, Carmen Pardo
- Year:
- 2010
- Language:
- English
- Type:
- Exhibition Catalogue
- Binding:
- Hardcover
- Format:
- Printed
- Dimensions:
- 17 x 24 cm
- Pages:
- 238
- 978-84-8026-417-4
- 553-10-024-7
- Edited by:
- Centro José Guerrero/Museo Reina Sofía
- Editorial line:
- Exhibitions